President - only eighth grade students can run for this office

The president is responsible for leading the association in all its worthy undertakings. He/she will be responsible for presiding over all meetings of the members and officers, providing an agenda of business to be transacted, assigning committees and committee chairs, and representing the association when called upon.

Vice President - only eighth grade students can run for this office

The vice president's duties are to assist the President at all times in directing the work of our organization, presiding over meetings in his or her absence, and help to keep all committees working efficiently. The Torch Awards program will be under the direction of the vice president.

Treasurer - seventh and eighth grade students can run for this office

The treasurer's duties include keeping accurate records of all receipts and disbursements and being ready at all times to give a report of the financial condition of the association.

Secretary - seventh and eighth grade students can run for this office

The secretary's duties include keeping accurate minutes of all meetings, carrying on all correspondence of our organization, and presiding over meetings in the absence of both the President and Vice President, or until a temporary chairman has been chosen. He/she is responsible for association reports. The Secretary has custody of the constitution, bylaws, and other reports of the association. He/she will keep an accurate list of members and furnish membership cards. He/she should provide the President with a statement of all business to be transacted at each meeting along with a list of all committees.

Marketing Representative - there will be 2 seventh and 1 eighth grade marketing reps each year

The seventh and eighth grade marketing representatives handle public relations duties for the BPA Chapter. To promote the image of Business Professionals of America and its members; to inform the public of the meaning and objectives of BPA; to encourage the creation of media promotions, especially chapter newsletters and Websites promoting BPA; and to encourage organized local chapter membership recruiting efforts/activities.